Tuesday, January 3, 2012

first post of the year

as some of you may have noticed, i have been unintentionally absent from blogger. i've had a fabulous few weeks over the christmas and new years period. it's been magical, wonderful and inspiring.
it was (and always shoulb be) a perfect time to spend with family, chill out from everyday life, relax and eat a plethora of rich food! i did exactly that, plus actually getting ready for christmas - putting up the xmas tree, getting the house ready, packing presents, preparing food, visiting family members...etc. i had time to catch up with my parents, i got to see my brother and plenty of aunts. i've missed home and i was rather home-sick by the end of the year. i'm so pleased MrL came to spend it with me away from his own family. christmas went as soon as it came and up crept the new year - we decided to spend it with family, and thankfully MrL's uncle was more than happy to have us over. we had a fantastic time, got ever so drunk and had many food babies. 

today it's jan 3rd and everyone's gone back to work, and for me, again, it's back to looking for my teaching job. i have high hopes for this year. i know i will get my teaching job soon. i have to get back into driving, i haven't driven in so many weeks (and secretly, i'm quite happy - i enjoy being passenger, is that wrong?) i'm quite apprehensive about being behind the wheel again. but i know that the more i practice the better i will get, so no more slacking - i'm focusing on my driving!

do you have any new years resolutions? i know that this year will be much better than 2011. that's all that matters to me

hope you're all having a great start th 2012

i'll leave you with some pictures from the past few weeks..




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