Sunday, June 19, 2011

Am i, am i, MIA?

a bit, yes, in fact very much so!
school, planning, resubmitting essays and lack of sleep is what my life has been consisting of since half term.
there really is nothing to tell. only that i have just two more weeks of school left! i cannot wait till it's all over.

that's it guys. my life is pretty boring at the moment.

i want my life back.



Saturday, June 11, 2011

a day filled with tears

just getting some really rubbish news back from a school i was putting all my hopes in. not teh best news, one might even say it was simply 'bad' news. i didn't even get shortlisted for the interview on thursday. their complaint? i hadn't specified enough info about my catholic ethos. gobsmacked. totally and utterly incomprehensible to me as i had stuffed my application with catholic schools i'd been to and volunteer work in such school and how i would like to bring that ethos into my own classroom, the values that i cherish and live by. i really felt like asking 'what should i have written' but i knew it wasn't the time or place to do so. so i put the phone down with tears running down my face. i just felt lied to. i didn't want to believe it. i now am starting to feel overly stressed about actually finding a job up north. i'm starting to wonder whether i will find a job. and so the tears flowed more so. just the though that i'm not having much luck and that i could be jobless after putting everything into this course..makes me feel like a failure. i might have to think about alternative ways of earning some money..maybe private tuition? god knows i'd rather be in a school but maybe i might have to look at all my options.

right now, i have to do my weekly planning (x3: literacy, numeracy and thematic) plus 15 session plans. on top of that i need to rewrite 3 essays for uni (2x maths and 1 literacy). off i go. goodbye xoxo