Saturday, April 9, 2011

absolute NOM.

what more can i say but ryan gosling.
ever since i saw him in the notebook i went mad and got hold of all the films he played in. and now i came across his new film: crazy stupid love. so without further ado..have a look at this!

absolute beauty. love it. love him! L has something about him that reminds me of ryan gosling - woop woop!! lucky me!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

a treat!

yesterday i treated myself to my se1 school! it was so joyous going back to all the kiddies - they really did miss me! i had kids at my feet and pulling me in all directions to show me what they've been up to. it was so lovely to see them - i have missed them. two little girls even made me a card each ;) it's so nice to know that you mean something to kids. i even got asked by a little girl "can i be your bridesmaid"which made me smile - how thoughtful! :D i just love working with little people. i think reception is my fav class to teach and be around with. i shall go and visit them more often!

today i had a day off, however, i didn't do much only because i was stressed out with finding out that i will be ofsted'ed during se2..and i had to get my se1 file in by friday :/ i have to do so much to get it ready - i'd taken it apart really, for my essays and simply because i wasn't pleased with the last week i'd taught - oops....

later on in the day, well at midday, i decided that my room needs to be rearranged so that if i do ever have a leak again, it won't go on my bed. it took me hours to shift my furniture and at 3 i gave up - i just had too much furniture in my room and i couldn't turn my bed around to where i really wanted it. so i waited till my flatmate got back home and we lifted the couch up and out of the way :) and now my room is ready... (check later to see a pic of my room!)

that's all for now...uni all day tomorrow and friday..and then it's all over. no more uni, just scary!!


Monday, April 4, 2011

i've fallen into the oblivion of american series..

i watched 22 episodes of pretty little liars in 4 days.
i'm always on track with the new glee episodes.
i've always watched desperate housewives, brothers and sisters, gossip girl, family guy... i mean - do i REALLY need to watch all these programs?? no. but i'm bloody enjoying it!! haha.

i had a lovely weekend.. went out on sunday to leicester square and made my way to shaftesbury avenue and chinatown, where i had a scrumptious dinner! new world is a restaurant i will recommend to everyone who is in town. it was a bit weird, i must admit, sitting on my own and having dinner ON MY OWN with tables full of families and couples all around! it was fun though! ordered way too much for myself.. came out looking pregnant ;)

again, today i experienced a leak from the ceiling. i came back home for my lunch break aaand sat down on my bed and felt it was a 'bit' wet. i hit the phone and called my landlord who didn't reply till 9pm. he arranged the plumber to come round tomorrow and 'sort it out'. i'm so pissed off you have NO idea. i'm going to Citizen's Advice Bureau on wednesday so i might get some help with my room and my rights.

wish me luck!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

rags to riches

i'm really looking forward to finishing my course in july..i'm also getting a bit worried about having to move to MrL's...for good! no going back ;) no more return tickets to london...just his place and we've got to make it work!
i'm worried about it all..i'm scared of getting on his nerves too much and he'll get angry with me, you know what it's like when you're with someone but you can always 'go back to yours'..i will no longer have that option. i'm over the moon to think that i will be with L all the time and be with him whilst working and waiting for him with dinner ;) but i'm just a little worried (in the back of my mind) that we will find it hard to 'get used to each other'... but most of all, i'm so excited and joyous that i will BE with L. yay!!!

plus i'm worried about my job and whether i'll find one by september :/

on a happy note - i bought some shoes, et voila!
and this...
(it's just a headband ;))

got a LOVELY maxi dress from, unfortunately it's no longer available on the website so i can't get a pic on here but not to worry, i'm sure you'll see a pic of me IN it sooner rather than later!

i really would like to get carolina herrera 212 vip eau de parfum :) might get it...but still not sure...would also like prada original eau de parfum.... i'd love loads of perfumes to be honest!!
