Thursday, January 3, 2013

First post of 2013...

Happy New Year everyone!

How was your New Year celebrations? Mine were spent with the family (MrL's side of the fam) where they had gargantuan trees with the prettiest decorations. Tons of presents, for the first time this year (and beware - this might become tradition!) we all made lists of what we wanted, which made Xmas shopping that much easier! It was great, and everyone got exactly what they wanted!! Winner, winner.

Biscuit clearly enjoyed our tree

(Apologies for the sideways action, cannot seem to fix it here)
Biscuit's present from us - his very own brass ID tag

Have you got any resolutions? Mine: a) don't get so stressed about work, b) celebrate all the good things this year, no matter how small (a great idea of Gemma's that I may have to pinch for myself!)

Here's to a great year for all of us!!