Saturday, November 19, 2011

car mantra

i have to say, the highlight of today was my driving lesson.
i've been stuck at home on my own again and having done some housework this morning, my driving instructor called round in the afternoon and took me to redcar in my car.

it's not far. but it was busy. and i had some stupid jinx on me and i stalled a trillion times on one roundabout :D i had the person behind me get to the stage that he had to overtake me. man, i was horrendous. it just gets to me, once i stall once and then a second time..THAT'S IT. i'll keep on stalling! i haven't stalled in ages. and i didn't understand why all of a sudden i stalled today? i guess i just get too panicky and flustered, there was a queue behind me and it was quite a busy roundabout, so i had to go. ugh. what a nightmare.
but driving around redcar was nice - i do like to be beside the seaside! so, as my title indicates - i had a quick mantra "i am calm and i can do this" in my head as i set off every time. it helped. luckily!!

on another note, i need  new glasses. my eyesight is so crap. it's not good when i'm driving around. i can hardly read signs etc :/ shall have to ask MrL for a deposit for an eye test and new lenses!! i can't drive not seeing properly. would like to have laser treatment really. i wish i could see clearly :D

anyone have any interesting plans for the weekend?


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