Friday, November 18, 2011

writer's block

i can't really complain about writer's block really when in fact it is half way gone november and i had done so many things!

- Anna's 30th bday was a total BLAST! i had so much fun at her pool party and generally enjoyed my long weekend in cambridge
- watched fantastic fireworks and drank mulled wine by the river Cam, on a boat with a log burner that Anna's friend lives in (not in the burner, but in the boat-doh!)
- copious amounts of driving lessons (two very bad ones but recently, i've been getting better)
- in fact, MrL has been taking me out a LOT recently, anywhere we need to go he makes me go
- going down to MrL's mum's to help her move out of her old flat into her new house
- literally ripping my nails in order to shorten them (i had no scissors or nail file) somehow, i managed to keep them looking good, however they are dramatically shorter now :(
- lovely dinner with friends
- my bday - had a lovely day filled with presents, flowers, chocolates and MrL's family
- i PASSED my car theory test!!!
- applied for two more teaching posts, after having failed to be successful at another teaching interview
- listened to some good tunes which i'm sure everyone know by now, in particular Coldplay, Birdy and Lana Del Rey
- booked tickets to poland for xmas and am so excited!!
- MrL is growing his moustache for Movember (link!)
- making a list of xmas presents that i would love to get (but somehow i get the sinking feeling that money will not allow me to get half of what i;d like to get)

that's about it. doesn't seem like much when it's all in a list but i feel like i've done a lot (compared to all this time since july...) i'm glad it's been a bit busier than usual. it takes my mind off the more brutal things in life.

unfortunately i deleted everything off my camera's memory card and only have taken pics of MrL's mum's cat!

i hope you're all having a great november



Anonymous said...

Hello, I love your blog! Where is the 'follow' sign?
Apryl. x

maria said...

hi! thank you!

(the 'follow' is at the top of the page on the left-hope that helps)