Monday, July 25, 2011

what a weekend

MrL returned from his charity walk and it all kind of started from there.. he sat himself (or rather lay himself) down on the sofa and took off his socks. and it was clear to me that we'd be making a trip to the A&E. after trying to clean up the mess i told him it doesn't look 'great' and that maybe we should go to the hospital. he agreed. no argument, no nothing, we just went which goes to show in how much pain he must've been in. as you all probably know, men NEVER go to the doctors so going to A&E without a fuss was somewhat a miracle. we left at about 1:30am (he got back at midnight saturday). it was a nightmare. full of drunkards, smashed noses, 'broken' legs, wrists and cheekbones. old lady in agony and us. doctors were called to a resuscitation somewhere in the hospital, so A&E was literally dead for an good hour or more. we finally got to see the doctor who gave MrL antibiotics and suspected stress fracture (even though it didn't show up on the x-ray). as we headed out to leave, the sun was out, birds were chirping and it was bitterly cold. 5am. i am utterly disgusted by the amount of time we had to wait at A&E and at the complete ignorance of staff members towards the old lady in agony who was sat behind us, crying her eyes out, moaning in pain and most obviously suffering on the eyes of everyone, yet nobody bothered to do anything. i am appalled. yes, it was saturday night and maybe i should have expected that, but i seriously hope they have something like 'secret patient' at A&E so they really know what service (or lack of) is available at some places.

sunday we spent catching up on things, watching top gear, f1 and the apprentice 'final' (it was incredibly hard not spilling the beans and keeping a straight face when he kept coming up with who will win!). we dog/house-sat and had a lovely sunday dinner at the local pub (didn't take any photos but such a beautiful place). we relaxed with a foot spa and medical aids from NHS (thanks to L's step-mum) which hopefully will relieve L's feet aches and pains.

today, i'm sat at home, bored, again. L's at work (!!) and i'm trying to clean the house. obviously failing miserably as i'm sat here blogging instead.

hope everyone's had a good weekend. any stories from A&E?

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