Sunday, May 15, 2011

limbo much?

i definitely feel like i've been in limbo since easter really, spending all my time going over school stuff, mainly planning and making resources for the week..every day i come back tired and sleepy, but i have to plan plan plan and make resources all the time so my teaching is better than ever ;)

last week, i must admit, was pretty rough. it started on wednesday at noon straight after my supervising tutor from uni observed my maths lesson - i got so nauseous! i felt horrendous! twice during the rest of the afternoon i felt like i was going to barf all over. but, luckily, i didn't! i'm not sure if any of you are aware that something like this exists but i am terrified of getting sick (also known as emetophobia). this continued on thursday too.. i was shaking and feeling hot and dizzy, my stomach was killing me. i was starting to freak out somewhat. and i decided to not eat proper food just toast, totally cleanse my system. i felt great on friday, hardly any pain. today, i felt a bit weird in the morning but that may have been due to the lack of energy (i may have been feeling a bit hungry at this point). i had toast this morning (with jam, i couldn't resist!) and felt ok, so i had 2 slices of toast with jam for lunch and dinner ;)! i'm feeling good. hopefully, i'll start eating more normal foods tomorrow...and my stomach won't go mental on me again....

i'm going shopping tomorrow. i NEED a moisturiser, so i'm getting Origins Vitazing. i also need a concealer - so i'm going for MAC's Studio Finish concealer. and the last thing on my list is an eye cream - Clinique's All About Eyes is my choice. a splurge i know. my student pocket WILL feel this shopping spree. but these are things that i will NOT regret buying. and they will last me quite some time.

hope you're all good xoxo

p.s. i'm dying to get chanel matt lumiere foundation :( maybe someday.......

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