Wednesday, May 27, 2009

sweet jesus

i'm still racking my brains as to what else i got wrong in the exam..
i am worried about my use of english AND the reading part
to hell with that now

i just had a coffee and a call from lucy
who is going through the same things as i
dont you just hate that feeling after exams
when you analyse all the answers and realise you should have left the previous answer which was correct and now you have it wrong!


can someone give me a cuddle and a hug?
can someone fly me to london for a day?
can someone be a prophet (blagh - i hate that word now!!) and tell me what will be the topic for our writing tomorrow?
can someone just give me 100% from everything?
can someone please alleviate my pain (headache)?
can someone tell me why on earth i give german lessons??

if you feel you can fulfill my dreams, send your CV to my email and i shall consider your application.

off to the chemists to clear my head.

i hope i'm not alone in saying that our PNJA was bloody difficult...?

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