Saturday, May 2, 2009

drunk night at ania's

apparently if we dont go to bed by 3am we can last the whole night without sleep, but 'm not going to test that out ;)

i thought i'd write now as i am feeling rather hyper, plus lady gaga singing to me on my headphones.

i had a wonderful night at ania's and i cant explain how thankful i am for hr for making me get out of my house and enjoying myself, i've missed it a lot. so obvious too as after 4 drinks i'm absolutely drunk.


so far i think my spelling is great so it's all cool.

as soon as my head hits the pillow i'm dead asleep!

met a "long lost" friend whom i was very fond of and still am. great to get old friends back into my life.. luckily i didnt stay at ania's for the night cos who knows what would've happened if i had..

as it's really late and i have to go to krk tomorrow i best be going to sleep now.. wishing you all a wonderful weekend :*

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