Wednesday, September 21, 2011

car diary #9

wow, i'm really doing quite well with all this driving. i did stall twice but i just need to practice (or so everyone and i keep telling myself). it's ever so fun driving around my estate - there are so many things going on and i have to think about SO much whilst driving...i wish i was at the stage where everything was just second nature.
today MrL's dad took me out in the car again. he seems to be really enjoying it, plus he's commented on how well i've been doing and he sees a major improvement since last time - nothing like a bit of positive reinforcement!!

i visited the school on monday - i am applying for it but they just don't seem that interested in an NQT teacher. as for the other school for year 1 - the school is looking for someone with two years experience and who has been an ict coordinator so they can continue that in this school.......does this scream 'we're not looking for you' or what!?

with all this 'stress' my stomach has finally started acting up. i've been on toast today. fingers crossed it's not anything serious. if it doesn't go by monday i guess i'll have to take my meds to calm it down. no coffee for me!! i need to switch to decaf for sure.

we had such a beautiful sunset yesterday i thought i'd share a pic of it with you

the picture doesn't do the view and colours justice at all - the beautiful orange, pink and purple shades were amazing, made me come out of the house and snap some pics! trust me, it was so beautiful.

today, came wind and rain, really not a pretty day at all. we're ever closer to  the weekend (MrL will be back home for a week!! yipee!) on a downer i've had no jobs. its such a joke this agency. so, i'm sat at home for the third week running since school started. MAKE SOME TEACHERS SICK PLEASE. i just want to earn a bit of cash - am i asking for too much? a day or two a week would be fine! that's all i ask....

hope you're all doing well
i'm catching up on the new series of "location, location, location" and then some new "grand designs" all on channel4...that's my evening for you.


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