Thursday, July 9, 2009

rain sun rain sun - make up your bloody mind!!

so the weather has been a bit hectic and i've been putting aside my bike for much too long now. no matter what i will go out on my bike tomorrow!

i had a wonderful day, woke up at 6am and the sun was shining so bright then as it came closer to 9 or 10 it was getting darker and darker and by 1 and 2 it was raining on down. luckily my ass was in the gym at the right moments so not a droplet of rain fell on me and there was a lovely breeze in the gym all the time which was such a change! cos its usually so so stuffy in there it makes it quite unbearable to workout sometimes.

annoyance of the day:
my mother.
i told her about my plans (or rather my living plans) in london and - she was ok with it! BUT literally all day she has been doing my head in about the whole trip. it makes me so angry when she gets on to the topic of london, my "career"/education, rent, money, travel, the expensiveness, the ambition that i must pursue, my job, work, job, work, money and it just goes on and on. i know she's trying to help, but i really want to try and do this ON MY OWN. i really want to try and do it by myself and achieve all my goals no matter how long it will take me to fulfill them. on the other hand i know she's older and much wiser and maybe i am being "too" harsh, but havent you been through that? when you really want to become independent from your parents? i think i'll go ahead and watch Coraline just in case ;) (thanks tjrael)

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