wow. so, i still haven't heard anything from my agency, so it looks like i'll be home tomorrow too. now, today, i got a call...FROM A SCHOOL. i had applied to a primary school last friday and today i got 'invited' to an interview on monday. the offer is for a year 3 class and the interview looks like it will be really terrifying :/ i have to do a mental maths session and produce a term's worth of material (based on a project that will last circa 6 weeks) with all the objectives, learning intentions and what challenges may appear and how you and the children are learning......ugh. so much to do, so much stress!! i shall spend tomorrow trying to plan my session and then i'll focus on my term planning. i'm really not sure i want to do year's all a bit daunting. i thought i'd stick to reception and year1 (they are my fav) but i guess sometimes you can't always have what you want.
hope everyone's thursday has been great!