Thursday, March 10, 2011

back in london (and back to the shops did i go!!)

I had been SO so good in feb and i didn't buy anything for myself (apart from food obviously). sooo as soon as i got back to london, my desire to go to the shops grew stronger by the minute, and so, today, off i went.

i hit zara first - two tops bought, both white - perfect for spring!

then h&m - another white top, a bit like a jumper only with short sleeves

and that was it! enough to satisfy my minor shopping need - DONE.

i've been on a battle front with my landlord - i had a leaking ceiling before i left up north (beg. of feb) and he 'fixed it' and when i got back on sunday last week my bed was SOAKING. so i called him and he didn't answer my calls - he called me the following day at 4pm saying 'oh, that DOES sound urgent'. hm..he got a plumber in for wendesday - very urgent indeed. so i wrote to my landlord (Jaz) that i will not pay him rent for this month until he completely resolves this situation which has been going on for a month, let alone he promised to paint my walls etc - it ain't gonna happen. so he's not getting his rent until he fixes upstairs' bathroom and makes it watertight so i don't have to worry about being bruatlly woken up in the night with water dripping on my face!

ugh. hate.

i'm trying to get some maths done and write my essay for monday - it will be a challenge, possibly the biggest i've had here at uni. really unsure about it :/ 4 days left to write it - i should manage.

mummy's in hospital and i'm praying she gets better and goes home soon.. maybe tomorrow..? they're not sure what was wrong - they're still doing tests on her, poor thing. wish i was there to help, i feel so useless being here and not being able to give my dad a hand :(

apart from that, i guess things are ok.

wish i could go home to poland right now...


1 comment:

[the lavender thief] said...

love the tops! will you wear one of them this sunday so i can see what it's like on you?
i wish i could shop at zara or h&m, but they seem to have a strict, biased policy against size plus people.