Monday, June 1, 2009

what about now

could you make me any happier than i am right now?
my exam went great i'm over the moon to have it behind me and for it to have gone so well, but i owe my gratitude to lucy for she pulled the questions out and i know i would have picked terrible ones!

with every exam, we're so much closer to the end..
right now i'm ecstatic but i know that once we're done i'll be sad to leave all the familiar faces behind, sad to lose touch with people, sad to be getting more independant, sad that i will no longer have the freedom to whatever i want whenever i want as i dont have a full time job.. so many things will change after we pass our licencjat..

i'm hoping for more sun
i'm hoping to get a tan
i need a new bikini
anyone know of any good places where i can get a decent one?

rain rain go away, come again another day

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