Tuesday, June 3, 2008

loving it

my hair obviously! i cannot imagine how i could tell you how it feels.. on one hand it's so strange and my two years of growing out my hair has gone, but on the other hand, it's so light, new and fresh. i love it. the biggest thanks goes out to my hairdresser.

this week has been flying by so quickly it's astonishing. already it's wednesday.. thursday i've got an exam friday and then two more exams and it's all done and over. wow. i stopped counting the days till i leave as i've come to the point that i'm starting to want more days ;) i'm not sure i'm ready to go to work again for the summer in the pub, it really aint that easy and carefree as some people would think it is. its hard work.

stomach's been getting worse again. i should change my diet. i want more exercise. but first i need to concentrate on my diet and help out my poor stomach.

i need a tan too. that's for sure.

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